9 February 2023

Dear Parent / Carer
It is with regret that I have to inform you that the Year 9 trip to London, to the Duke of York Theatre today, has been cancelled.
The school unfortunately has been let down by the coach company. They were due to arrive at school for 10am. Only one coach arrived at 12pm.
The show was due to begin at 2pm and our new estimated time of arrival was stating 3.30pm.
Please know that we explored all possibilities to safely get the students to London on time. We have made the disappointing decision to cancel the trip.
The finance team will issue refunds to all families in due course. We will look to process this as soon as we can.
Students will be dismissed from school at the normal time of 3.10pm.
Thank you for your understanding.
Mr O'Connor
Vice Principal
Education Trips Coordinator