We offer a wide range of sports and curriculum based activities after school. These activities enrich our students education by developing their skills and wider knowledge of the subject.
Sports classes available in our Sports Centre.
The Sainsbury's School Games is a unique opportunity to motivate and inspire millions of young people across the country to take part in more competitive school sport. The Games have a strong inclusive element resulting in more meaningful opportunities are available for young disabled people and are made up of four levels of activity: competition in schools, between schools, and at a county/area level:
Intra-school (Level 1)
For many young people sporting competition is the first experienced through intra-house teams, form groups or in PE lessons. This level of competition will build on a school’s existing work to offer pupils a year-round programme of regular intra-school competition in a number of sports that culminate in a Sainsbury's School Games Day.
Inter-school (Level 2)
Inter-school competition is for years 3 to 13. At this stage individuals and teams will be selected to represent their school at inter-school competitions, many of which will be leagues. Schools will have the flexibility to decide which sports to enter but are encouraged to involve as many pupils as possible by creating breadth in the sports they offer and depth through the creation of additional teams.
Sainsbury's School Games Festival (Level 3)
Birmingham hosts a winter and summer multi-sport showcase event as a culmination of the year-round inter-school competition. Teams and individuals competing at inter-school level will win the opportunity to compete in this event. Pupils succeeding at this level will be encouraged to develop their enjoyment and talent in sport through existing National Governing Bodies' club and talent pathways.
Sainsbury's 2015 School Games (Level 4)
This is a national multi-sport event, in which the country’s most talented athletes of school age complete if selected by a National Governing Body. This event will take place in high quality venues amongst a unique and vibrant atmosphere and supports athletes development; acting as a stepping stone to further national and international competition. For full details on this year’s event, visit www.2015schoolgames.com
How is the Sainsbury's School Games managed?
Mr. D. McDermott is the School Games Organiser for Bishop Challoner Catholic College and he works alongside and supports 32 local primary, secondary and special schools (10, 000 young people) to support them to participate in the School Games programme and competitive opportunities in a range of sports such as swimming, football, tennis, netball, gymnastics, handball, badminton, basketball and table tennis. He also provides opportunities for secondary aged pupils to become qualified officials and to then volunteer at a wide range of primary and secondary competitions.
Sainsbury’s School Games Mark
The Sainsbury’s School Games Mark is owned and created by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and is implemented and developed by the Youth Sport Trust and Sport England. It rewards school for their commitment to and the development of competition, school sport and Physical Education and was first launched in June 2012 via the Sainsbury’s School Games website.
Congratulations to Bishop Challoner Catholic College for achieving ‘Gold’ Mark and to Dame Ellen Pinsent, Colmore Juniors, St Catherine of Siena, Lakey Lane, St Jude’s, Kings Heath, St Dunstan’s, St Bernard’s, King David, St Martin de Porres, Moseley C of E, Our Lady of Lourdes, Moor Green and Woodthorpe Primary/Special Schools and Queensbridge Secondary school for achieving the ‘Bronze’ award in 2013-14.
Bronze Ambassadors
We also have a Bronze Ambassador programme for pupils in years 5 and 6. Primary schools within our partnership were invited to send two pupils who they thought demonstrated excellent leadership qualities and who they thought would be a good role model for other pupils back in school. This year 20 pupils from Colmore Juniors, King David, Moseley C of E, Park Hill, Our Lady of Lourdes, St Bernard’s and Woodthorpe have worked together to discuss how they could promote the School Games values (passion, determination, teamwork, honesty, self-belief and respect) back in school and what skills they thought they needed to be a good role model promoting PE and sport in school. The pupils have been challenged to go back to school to complete organise an intra-school competition and promote the Sainsbury’s School Games.
School Games Updates
Our School Games programme continues to be one of the best in the country with 100% of schools registered on the School Games website (www.yourschoolgames.co.uk) with 96% of schools taking an active part in the programme. A new incentive, called the ‘Rewards and Recognition’ programme, was launched this year to encourage all schools and SGOs to use the School Games website more and to raise the profile of all the work we are doing. One way schools/SGOs can raise the profile of the programme is through blogging activities for parents and the local community to see.
The Bishop Challoner School Games programme was the number 1 in the country for blogging/uploading information on to the website for last half term and we recently receiving a selection of prizes, including lots of School Games branding material, such as banners, medals, trophies and bunting.
Mr McDermott is also a member of the SGO National Consultation Group who meets every half-term in London to discuss a wide range of PE and School Sport matters.
The Bishop Challoner School Games programme now has a Twitter account with over 600 followers and we encourage as many staff, parents, pupils and friends to follow us to see what we are doing and to share our great work. Our Twitter name is @BCSGO. For more information on any of our events or programmes, please call Mr D. McDermott on 441 6102.
At Bishop Challoner Catholic College, we are proud to hold an ECO-schools green flag. Our school staff and students care deeply about environmental issues and have a strong desire to actively protect our planet.
We coordinate a number of projects across the year to empower young people to explore key environmental issues and to find ways to minimise our impact on our environment.
Current projects and initiatives:
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