14 February 2023

Dear Parent/Carer
Black Country Living History Museum Trip – March 2nd 2023
The History Department is offering Year 8 students the chance to visit the Black Country Museum in Dudley to learn about Birmingham’s industrial past. The visit involves a day at the museum, supported by a tour guide who will focus on the lives and experiences of people who lived during the period. Additionally, students will get to participate in a 19th century school lesson and watch a show on the dangers of coal mining.
The trip is designed to support children in their studies of the Industrial Revolution; a topic which they have explored in their lessons prior to the trip. Furthermore, the visit will support children in their studies of local History, helping them understand the ways in which Birmingham transformed during the Industrial Revolution.
The trip will depart from school at 9am on Thursday 2nd of March and will return on the same day by 3.10pm. The total cost of the trip will be a one off payment of £16. This includes entrance, travel by coach, insurance and entrance into the workshops. Students should bring their own lunch unless they are entitled to a free school meal, in which case a lunch will be provided for them. Additional food items can be purchased at the museum.
There are 100 places available on this trip. As places are limited we kindly request payment is made promptly to avoid disappointment. The trip will go live on Schoolcomms on Wednesday the 1st of February.
Although this trip will be insightful and educational for your child, I stress that attendance is voluntary and not a requirement in order to be successful in their studies of history.
On the day students can wear their own clothes, although they must bring suitable footwear and protective clothing appropriate for the weather conditions.
If you require any more information about the trip please do not hesitate to contact me via email at c.bennett@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Yours faithfully,
Mr C Bennett
Trip Lead