Governing Body Members
Mr G Keegan
Foundation Chair
Mr J Brooks
Foundation Governor
Mrs A Gilbride
Foundation Governor
Mr J Gray
Foundation Governor
Mrs K Tehan
Foundation Governor
Mrs T Potter
Foundation Governor
Mrs C Ward
Foundation Governor
Foundation Governor
Foundation Governor
Mr E Reed
Local Authority Governor
Mrs N Winhall
Elected Parent Governor
Mrs R McGillion-Fee
Elected Parent Governor
Miss J Beard
Elected Staff Governor
Mr D Hearnden
Co-opted Governor
Mr C Wormwell
Co-opted Governor
Mr E O'Connor
Associate Member
Dr J Coughlan
Mrs S O'Connor
Miss H Burton
In Attendance
Governance Key Documents
To help ensure that our governing board is reflective of the community we serve, we collect and review our governors' diversity data to help inform discussion and action. We do not currently publish this information online due to the small size of our board and the risk of inadvertently identifying an individual through publication of their personal data.