27 January 2023
Update 2 on Industrial Action Wednesday 1st February 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,
In our communication of Monday 23rd January we said that our arrangements for the industrial action on Wednesday 1st February could change if more members of staff indicate their intention to strike and that if this was the case then parents/carers would be updated accordingly.
The number of teaching staff that have indicated their intention to take part in industrial action has increased and as a result of this we now write to you to share the updated planned arrangements for Wednesday 1st February.
Planned arrangements for Wednesday 1st February by Year Group
The table below details the arrangements for each year group.
Year 7 |
All students are required to attend school as normal. |
Year 8, 9 and 10 |
Students are not required to attend school and will be provided with remote learning which can be accessed on Class Charts and the school website. |
Year 11 |
All students are required to attend school as normal. Study sessions will not run in the evening. |
Year 12 |
Students are not required to attend school and will be provided with remote learning which can be accessed on Class Charts and the school website. |
Year 13 |
All students are required to attend college as normal. Some lessons may not run if staff are on strike and students are expected to engage in independent study during these times. Study guides for all subjects are available on the school website: https://www.bishopchalloner.org.uk/sixth-form/sixth-form-curriculum/study-periods The school day will conclude at the end of period 4. |
There is no requirement for schools to teach the National Curriculum on Wednesday 1st February and so the school day may be organised slightly differently for students.
The school day will run from 8.40am-3.10pm for all students with the exception of Year 13 who will finish their day at the end of period 4.
Please be reminded that if school is open for your child you have a legal duty to ensure that they attend.
Extra-curricular provision on Wednesday 1st February
There will be no extra-curricular provision either before school or after school on Wednesday 1st February.
Year 8, 9, 10 and 12 Vulnerable Young People and Critical Workers
If your child is in Year 8, 9, 10 and 12 and deemed to be a Vulnerable Young Person or you are a critical worker (see Annex A and Annex B below to see if you meet the criteria) then you may request that your child attends school on Wednesday 1st February.
Please use Schoolcomms to advise us that your child will be attending school by no later than Monday 30th January. Please also indicate your status as a keyworker in the comment section.
Year 8, 9 and 10 vulnerable young people and critical workers will be required to bring in their PE kits on the day.
Free School Meals
For students in Year 8, 9, 10 and 12 that are not attending school on Wednesday 1st February but require a free school meal. Please contact the school on 0121 444 4161 no later than Monday 30th January to advise that you would like to collect a meal on the day.
Future industrial action dates
There is further industrial action planned for Wednesday 1st March, Wednesday 15th March and Thursday 16th March. We will advise you of the arrangements the school is making prior to each of those dates.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully,
Dr J Coughlan