‘Whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters you do for me’ – Matthew 25:40
At Bishop Challoner Catholic College we give Glory to God through service. Our community is devoted to sharing Jesus’ love and compassion.
Each academic year we begin in reflection for the joy of creation and revitalise our efforts to live more simply. In our Autumn term we come together to provide donations for the B30 Foodbank and St. Chad’s Sanctuary Appeal. In early October, we raise funds and supplies for the Harvest fast day by CAFOD, a moment of solidarity for Catholic Christians.
Additionally, we hold a special focus for Christmas aiming to bring feelings Joy, Peace, Hope and Love to all those we encounter. Historically, we have collaborated with the ‘Good Samaritans’ Shoebox Appeal. In 2021, we came together to support the Birmingham Irish Association Toy Appeal and we were delighted to see this support grow further into 2022/23 where the school community empitomised exceptional generosity with the huge total of presents delivered by our students. We take Jesus’ words to heart and bring them alive in action and feel blessed to be able to help others.
In the new year, from January and July, the school community historically supports one charity as a team. We have done this through bake sales and competitions between form groups etc.
In previous years we have supported charities such as, Macmillan Cancer Support, Birmingham Women's Hospital, Birmingham Children's Hospital, CAFOD, St Mary's Hospice and from 2019-2021 CAFOD World Gifts.
In our Year of Giving each year group selected a charity dear to their hearts that they would like to support. Taking time to empower our pupils to be creative, compassionate and thoughtful, really brings out the best in each of us.
The Year of Character 2022/23 brought the school community together to support St Chads sanctuary, where we were delighted to see each from take charge of designing a wide range of charity activities that combined to raise £3,500.
Finally, during the last two weeks of each term, students and staff donate clothes, toiletries and food, which are taken to St Chad's Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is a
voluntary project, supported by St Chad's Cathedral and the Salvation Army. It is a place of hospitality for asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants. The sanctuary are always extremely grateful for the contributions of our school.
Acts of service truly continues to bring our school community together. It embodies our mission statement of praising God by doing acts of service together.
Bishop Challoner Charity Contributions over the past 5 years
· 2015/2016: St. Mary's Hospice- £7348.86
· 2016/2017: Alzheimer's Society- £7453.75
· 2017/2018: St Basil’s £6405.24
· 2018/2019: British Heart Foundation £6293.41
· 2019/2020/2021: CAFOD World Gifts £6763
· 2021/2022: Individual Year Group Charities
· 2022/23: St Chads Sanctuary £3,500
Each Year, we support the Shoebox Appeal. We donate to this via wrapping and packing shoeboxes to send internationally to those who may not have a present this Christmas. We come together to support this initiative as a school community and truly seek to live out Matthew 25:40 : "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' The Shoebox appeal is our way of fulfilling our school mission of “Giving Glory to God by serving others”.
This year is in memory of Colm Smyth, his passion and joy for giving to others and how much he cared for this and the school.
“A true Irish gentleman who would stop and talk to friend and stranger, treating everyone as equal and would go out of his way for those in greater need. His infectious personality would lift the mood of any on the darkest day. A hardworking man, strong religious faith and in touch with reality.”
The shoeboxes were collected on November 16th and as a school community, we prepared and sent 440 shoeboxes. Our sincerest gratitude to all for giving their very best to support such a wonderful act of social outreach.
We continue to uphold Saint Mother Teresa "We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love" in our spirit of Solidarity with all of God's brothers and Sisters. Throughout the year, the Bishop Challoner Community come together to help those who need it most. We work closely with St Chad's Sanctuary and the Foodbank to help collect the donations that they need most so we can be most beneficial to those who need it.
We look to Pope Francis' writing "Fratelli Tutti" about social justice - Goodness, together with love, justice and solidarity, are not achieved once and for all; they have to be realized each day. As a Bishop Challoner Community, we aim to have these realisations each day while we give glory to God in our service to others.
CAFOD have provided some home learning resources to share. These lessons get us thinking about different themes and are a great resource about how we can make an impact on the world in which we live in. Have a look through the lessons and take time to work your way through them to have a time of reflective thought.
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:" 1 Peter 4:10
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