18 February 2022

18th February 2022
Dear parents/carers,
Student Finance Information Evening
On Tuesday 8th March we will be holding a Student Finance information evening for parents/carers of students who have applied to go to university. This event will be held in-person, in school, from 5:00 – 6:00pm. The information will be made available virtually for those who cannot attend.
The evening will involve a talk from a representative at a local university, as well as a question and answer session. Members of the Sixth Form Team will share information on the support available in school.
The aim of this evening is to give parents/carers more information on the costs associated with university, the types of loans that are available, as well as the student finance process and how to apply. For students applying to start university in September 2022, Student Finance opens in March 2022, so we hope this will be a timely and relevant event.
Whilst this information is currently most relevant to parents/carers of students in Year 13, parents/carers of Year 12 are also welcome to attend. Sixth Form students are not expected to attend as they will have their own assemblies on this topic in school.
We do hope you will be able to join us.
Yours sincerely,
M. A. Nutt
Assistant Principal - Sixth Form