17 February 2022
Dear Parent/Carer,
Due to the amendments made recently to Spain’s entry requirements, I am now pleased to confirm that the KS3 Football Development Tour to Valencia in May 2022 will continue as previously planned. We had explored the possibility of switching the tour to Porto (Portugal) as an alternative option, because our intention was to ensure that all students were able to travel, regardless of their vaccination status.
As we now intend to travel to Valencia, I’d like to make you aware of Spain’s current entry requirements (below). Please note that the Health Control Form will need to be completed by parents/carers prior to departure and any costs incurred as a result of purchasing a PCR test will need to be covered by parents/carers.
‘Travellers of any age, including children under 12 years old, travelling by air or sea must fill in and sign an online Health Control Form no more than 48 hours before travel. Children under the age of 12 years old do not need to show proof of being fully vaccinated on entry to Spain or take a diagnostic test prior to arrival. Travellers from the UK aged 12 to 17 inclusive can enter Spain by presenting documentation certifying that they have undertaken a COVID-19 nucleic acid amplification test - NAAT (PCR or similar) within 72 hours prior to arrival in Spain. Antigen tests are not accepted. Alternatively, travellers aged 12 to 17 can still enter Spain with a full vaccination certificate. Spain defines someone as being fully vaccinated if they have had two vaccine doses or one dose of a one-dose vaccine.
In addition to this, I also wish to provide you with some more information about the tour to Valencia in May and request for some further details to be provided in order for us to complete the next phase/s of our trip paperwork.
I would like to make you aware of a slight amendment to the travel date/s. I can now confirm that the new and exact tour date/s will be from Sunday 8th May 2022 – Thursday 12th May 2022. Details on flight times will be communicated at a later date.
If your son is still without one - details on how to apply for a GHIC card can be found on this link - https://www.gov.uk/global-health-insurance-card. The GHIC card will replace all EHIC cards upon their expiry date. EHIC cards that are still in date will still be valid until their expiry date – ‘If you have a UK European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) it will be valid until the expiry date on the card. Once it expires, you’ll need to apply for a GHIC to replace it’. Please provide a valid/in date EHIC card or apply for a GHIC card.
Please note: Deadline for all travel documents to be collected/kept in school – Friday 29th April 2022. All documents will be kept in a secure school safe at all times.
I would like to make you aware of/invite you to our annual ‘Bishop Challoner Quiz & Curry Night’ on Thursday 31st March 2022. Each year we welcome parents/carers/students of each tour to this event in order to come together as a community and to hopefully raise some additional funds for each tour. Further details about this event will be communicated by Mr Noone (PE) after 1/2 term.
Finally, please ensure that you are fully up to date with payments and please be aware of all further instalment dates (shown below) and amounts that will need to be paid via SchoolComms. The school will need to be in a position to be able to pay regular instalments to Inspiresport, so it is important that payments are fully up to date. Should you encounter any issues or concerns with regards to payments, please speak to Mr Wilson in confidence at your earliest convenience.
- Instalment 5: £140 (1st March 2022)
- Instalment 6: £140 (1st April 2022)
Permission and payments will be processed through SchoolComms and it will be listed under ‘Y7/Y8 Boys Football Tour - Valencia’.
If you do require any more information about the tour, please do not hesitate to contact me via email on d.wilson@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk or by telephone on 0121 444 4161 ext. 2256
If you wish to/need to contact Ms Durkin – please call 0121 444 4161 ext. 2223
I’d like to personally thank all of you for your patience, support and correspondence during this process.
Yours faithfully,
Mr D. Wilson
Bishop Challoner PE Department