2 July 2021

2nd July 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
In light of the current Covid-19 situation, we have amended our plans for the final week of term. The UCAS session that was planned to be delivered as a face to face session on Monday 19th July will now be delivered remotely. This means Friday 9th July will be the last day students will be onsite. Students must ensure they have any physical resources they need for the summer by this date. We remind students, parents and carers that staff can still be contacted by email or telephone and students should continue to check their school emails and Class Charts for communications.
12th -16th July is Virtual Work Experience Week. Please see letter dated 27th May 2021 for further details (https://bishopchalloner.org.uk/news/2021-05-27-parent-carer-letter-27-05-2021-yr12-wb-12th-july)
In preparation for the remote session on Monday 19th July, students will need to have completed set tasks by the end of Friday 16th July.
- Task 1 – update the “activities” section of Unifrog with details about the skills and knowledge developed through the virtual activities, work experience, online lectures, masterclasses etc
- Task 2 - register with UCAS and complete the required sections. Many students have already done this as students have received written guidance on this via email.
The Sixth Form team will check students have completed the required sections and I will speak with individual students on Monday 19th July if necessary.
Monday 19th July will follow the below timetable. Students must join the Microsoft Teams sessions at the specified times and have access to a device to complete work on the day. Students have a paper copy of the Personal Statement booklet which they have been keeping up to date and need to have with them for the session.
Time |
With |
Session will involve |
10:00 |
Mrs Healy (Teams) |
Review of the year, instructions for session. (Mrs Healy will speak with students who are not up to date with tasks). |
10:30 – 11:30 |
Student centred activity |
Independent completion of first draft of Personal Statement and uploading it onto Unifrog |
11:30 – 12:00 |
Form tutor (Teams) |
Students to join form time where Tutor will check first draft of Personal Statement on Unifrog |
By the end of the session, students will have completed a significant part of the UCAS application and will find themselves in an excellent position in September. Over the summer holidays students are encouraged to further research University, courses and Apprenticeship opportunities.
Best wishes,
Mrs Healy
Head of Year 12