30 June 2021

June 30 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
Relationships and Sex Education Parent Consultation
From September 2020 the Department for Education expects all schools to implement a new statutory Relationships, Sex Education and Health Education curriculum as part of their Personal Social Health Education program. In order to prepare for this we have been working with the Birmingham Diocese and sought guidance from the Catholic Education Service.
What does the new statutory curriculum focus on?
The statutory curriculum focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world. It also covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships. Learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, it will give young people the information, skills and positive values to have safe, fulfilling relationships and will help them take responsibility for their own well-being. Although we have always had a robust Personal Social Health Education program, the new statutory guidelines will make it even more comprehensive.
How will this be delivered?
Relationships and sex education is delivered in a variety of ways including through Science, Religious Studies, Citizenship, assemblies, tutor time and Character Week. It is monitored closely and reviewed regularly. Due to the nature of the content of the new statutory curriculum, we have decided to implement most of the Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) programme into our Religious Studies lessons from September 2020. We will ensure these lessons take place in a safe learning environment and are underpinned by our school ethos and values which wholly align with those of the Catholic Church. A variety of opportunities will be provided for pupils to ask questions to further their understanding and to find out more about what affects them personally.
The resources we will use to deliver RSE in Religious Studies lessons will be provided by Ten:Ten, a Catholic education organisation. The Catholic Education Service and Birmingham Diocese have endorsed and promoted the use of Ten:Ten resources in all secondary schools. Their programme of study incorporates videos and Power Points specifically created to promote discussion and inform students about RSE issues. Every resource is rooted in scripture and informs students firstly of the Catholic Churches teachings whilst also sharing other world views as per the statutory framework.
For more information regarding our Relationships and Sex Education policy and example resources please see this link https://bishopchalloner.org.uk/catholic-college/curriculum/relationships-and-sex-education
Right to withdraw
Parents and carers continue to have the right to withdraw their children from Sex Education up to three terms before their child’s sixteenth birthday, except in those elements which are required by the Science National Curriculum. Should parents or carers wish to withdraw their children they are asked to notify the school by contacting the Principal via RSE@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk. We believe that by delivering this aspect of the curriculum through Religious studies, using resources endorsed and promoted by the Birmingham diocese, this is the appropriate place for this curriculum to be followed. We would encourage anyone considering withdrawing their child to informally discuss their concerns with the Principal or Head of PSHE (Mrs Bisset).
Guardian’s access to resources
As a Catholic school, we provide the principal means by which the Church assists parents and carers in educating their children. We are committed to continuing to work in partnership with parents and carers.
We are asking you to view the select resources on the Ten:Ten Parent Portal using the login information...
Weblink: https://www.tentenresources.co.uk/parent-portal/
Username: bishop-challoner-b14
Password: midland-147
Our year 10s will be learning within a relationships education topic in their Religious Studies lessons as our next unit.
All lessons use videos to introduce information to the students, these videos ensure all students are receiving the same information and enable us to meet the statutory expectations of relationships and sex education that came into force in September 2020.
Lesson Overviews
Session 1: Who am I? - The core religious understanding taught at the outset of this programme of work is that we are created by God as one whole person, both body and soul. Pupils will be encouraged to celebrate their uniqueness, value and dignity, which derive from God.
Session 2: Created & Chosen -This session focuses on developing an appreciation that our deepest identity is in God: as people created, chosen and loved by Him. Pupils will learn that science proves our uniqueness and becoming aware of it can help us to open up to God who is the ground of our being
Session 3: Appreciating Differences – Building on the teaching that our deepest identity is in God, students will learn about male/female differences, including issues such as gender stereotypes. Student will understand that equality is of great importance, and that we should celebrate our uniqueness.
Session 4: Feelings – This session explores God’s wonderful gift of sexual attraction, which requires self-control, mutual respect and patience to manage well. Pupils will also learn that God has a plan for sex: that our deepest drive to love and be loved is met through sexual union which is total, faithful and open to the precious gift of life.
Session 5: Tough Relationships – The vision for this lesson is to build on themes of equality and celebrating difference, this session addresses prejudice and discrimination, both historical and current. Pupils will learn about privilege, ‘Protected Characteristics’ and how to resist judgement. The session ends with a challenge for pupils to choose the route of tolerance, kindness and forgiveness, and never to suffer in silence.
Session 6: Think before you share – This session explores the social, personal and legal consequences of sharing images of a sexual nature. Pupils will also learn about their digital footprint, leading to the understanding that sharing anything in word, speech or action that reduces people to objects dishonours their God-given dignity.
Session 7: Wider World– Becoming aware of the effects of actions, how to become more socially responsible citizens. Rooted in Pope Francis’ concepts of an ‘integral ecology’ where our choices have an effect on the world. Pupils will be given the opportunity to examine and commit to positive behaviour.
At Bishop Challoner Catholic College we are committed to ‘Laus Deo’ through grounding our learning as Children of God. May we grow in our faith as we dedicate to being the best person we can be each day.
If you have any questions, comments or views you would like to share with us please contact Mrs K Brown (Head of Religious Studies in partnership with Mrs Bisset; Director of Study & Head of PHSE) on RSE@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk .
Yours sincerely,
Mrs K Brown B.A; B.Ed; MSc (Head of Religious Studies; Lead Coordinator of Spiritual Life)
Mrs F Bisset (Director of Study & Head of PSHE)
Dr J Coughlan (Principal)