24 February 2021

24th February 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
I hope all of our families enjoyed their half term.
Following the government announcement on Monday evening we are very much looking forward to welcoming our students back to face-to-face education.
The government have outlined that secondary schools will be able to phase return over the week commencing March 8th to allow consenting students to be offered lateral flow testing prior to commencing face-to-face education.
As you can imagine, arranging testing on this scale is a huge logistical challenge for the school. We are currently working on final plans and hope to be able to communicate precise dates for testing windows and the phased return for each year group as soon as possible to enable our families to plan for the return to school.
Mass asymptomatic testing consent
We would strongly encourage parents/carers to indicate whether they are giving consent to asymptomatic testing if you have not already done so. The consent form can be accessed via the link below.
Further details on asymptomatic testing were given in my letter dated January 2nd which is also available via this weblink
An update on serial testing was also provided in a communication from Mrs Breen on January 21st available via this link
We had a huge response to our previous request for consent and I thank parents/carers for responding so rapidly.
Attendance at school will again become compulsory but there are exceptions, particularly in the case of clinically extremely vulnerable students who are advised to continue to shield, and other students who mustn’t attend in line with public health guidance to self-isolate.
What parents and carers need to know about attending schools and colleges in the Spring Term
Updated details on what you need to know about attending schools during the Spring Term is available using the link below
Remote Education
Remote education will continue over the next two weeks and also as we phase the return of all students across the week commencing March 8th.
Safeguarding, Mental Health and Wellbeing
The safety of our young people remains of paramount importance. If, at anytime, you have concerns about the safety of your child or another young person within our school, please contact the school immediately on 0121 444 4161 where a Designated Safeguarding Lead will be informed and will make contact with you. If you believe that a young person is at immediate risk please call 999.
We recognise the impact that lockdown may have on the mental health and wellbeing of our young people. With this in mind, there are a number of resources and links on our website:
Alternatively, if you wish to discuss any worries or concerns please contact school on 0121 444 4161 and ask to speak to a member of the Mental Health Team.
Should you have any academic or general pastoral concerns please continue to contact your son/daughter's Head of Year on the email address detailed below:
Year 7- Mrs McGowan, h.mcgowan@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 8- Mr Clarke, s.clarke@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 9- Mrs Brown, c.brown@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 10- Ms Hampson, r.hampson@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 11- Miss Beard, j.beard@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 12- Mrs Healy, m.healy@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 13- Mrs Bisset, f.bisset@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Best wishes to everyone within our school community.
Dr J Coughlan