12 February 2021

12th February 2021
Dear Parent/Carers and Students in Year 9, Please see the link below which provides you with some very useful information relating to our Year 9 Pathways. Please spend some time over the half term break having a look at this information and use it to help you consider subject choices for Years 10 and 11. https://bishopchalloner.org.uk/about/careers/student-zone/year-9-pathways
After the half term break students in Year 9 will have a series of Virtual Y9 Assemblies whereby Subject Leaders will explain to Year 9 the content of their subject and how it is assessed. These assemblies are very important, and we very much hope Year 9 students will attend. Our Virtual Year 9 Pathways Evening is on Thursday 4th March from 6pm.
Best wishes and have a lovely half term break Yours faithfully, Mr G Hetherton Senior Vice Principal |