25 February 2021

25th February 2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
Virtual Careers Fair
Next week is National Career Week (1st-5th March) and as part of our careers related learning offer, all students will be expected to attend the Virtual Careers Fair during Period 5 on Thursday 4th March which has been organised by the Careers and Enterprise Company. There will be 55 employers from a wide range of sectors attending the Virtual Careers Fair and most of these representatives from these organisations will be available to answer questions via a public chat function. Students will have an assembly with their Head of Year at the beginning of period 5 on Thursday 4th March where they will be given a briefing about the event and expectations will be outlined. Students will return to the assembly once they have finished in the Careers Fair and their Head of Year will conclude the event. All students will be encouraged to submit their completed task sheet via Class Charts to be in with the chance of winning a voucher. We are confident that this virtual event will be every bit as valuable to students as our annual Bishop Challoner Careers Fair and that it will encourage students to research and explore new and existing career ideas and generate careers conversations.
Yours faithfully, Miss E Darby Careers Leader |