13 February 2025
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 9 Soli House Residential Retreat
We are planning a Year 9 residential retreat to Soli House in Staffordshire. This trip is due to take place from Wednesday 11th June until Friday 13th June 2025. This trip has run for many years at Bishop Challoner and has always been a special opportunity for Year 9 students to come together at the end of the academic year.
Soli House is part of the Kenelm Youth Trust (run by Birmingham Archdiocese in partnership with Birmingham Catholic Youth services, Alton Castle and Soli House). The centre is situated in Staffordshire next to Alton Castle. Bishop Challoner has taken many students to Soli house over the years; many who have returned to work on the team. Our students always come back refreshed in faith, blessed with fun and new friendships. During their stay students will take part in a variety of team building activities. As well as this, a big focus of the visit is on personal and spiritual development and pupils will participate in a variety of workshops; they will also be given the chance to celebrate Mass together. During our stay we will also have a chance to visit Alton Towers for a day trip.
The accommodation is a newly refurbished centre. It is in a lovely setting in the heart of Staffordshire. The food is highly recommended and the entire stay, inclusive of transport to and from school and a trip to Alton Towers costs £200.This payment is a voluntary contribution to the overall cost of the fieldtrip. Without coverage of costs, the trip may not proceed.
There are only 20 places available on this trip. Each place will be allocated on a first come first served basis by registering through SchoolComms. The trip will go live at 7:30am on Tuesday 4th February. If you would like your child to take up this opportunity, then please consent and pay the deposit of £50.If due to personal circumstances you need an extended period of time to pay the deposit then please get in touch with me to discuss in confidence at your earliest convenience. This consent includes your permission for photographs to be taken of your child. If you object to your son/daughter being captured in the photographs, please contact me on 0121 444 4161.
If you are unsuccessful in securing a place for your child then please contact Mrs Durkin in the Pastoral Office to request that your child is placed on a reserve list for the named trip. If and when a place becomes available, you will be contacted directly.
Please be aware of all further instalment dates and amounts that will need to be paid via SchoolComms:
Instalment 1 (Deposit): £50 Tuesday 4th February 2025
Instalment 2: £75 by Friday 7th March 2025
Instalment 3: £75 by Friday 4th April 2025
If you require any more information about the trip please do not hesitate to contact me via email at t.rowan@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Yours faithfully
Mr Rowan
RE Teacher/Trip Lead