14 March 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
I am writing to remind you about the Year 13 Parent Consultation Evening, which takes place on Wednesday 29th March 2023 from 4.30pm to 7 pm.
You will receive a written report on the morning of 29th March by email. The report will be sent to the email address of the priority 1 contact held on the school system and the Parent Consultation Evening will provide an opportunity for you to meet with subject teachers to review your son/daughter’s progress during Year 13, in light of this report. Mr Mullins and I will also be present, should you wish to speak to us.
To book your consultation appointments with teachers please follow the instructions below:
- Please click here to access the booking system - https://bctsa.schoolcloud.co.uk/.
- You do not need to download any applications but simply need access to a web browser.
- Consultation appointments will be approx. 10 minutes per student.
You will need to login using the details that the school holds for your child's priority 1 contact. Appointments must be made by the end of the day on Monday 27th March 2023. After this date, teachers will have the opportunity to request to see parents and students who have not made an appointment, but teachers feel it would be beneficial to speak to.
Looking a little further ahead, Year 13 will commence their Study Leave on Friday 12 May 2023. Students will attend lessons as normal on that day and will participate in a Leavers’ Service during Period 5, where we will come together as a Year Group to celebrate our time together as members of Bishop Challoner Sixth Form College. Students will be able to leave at 2.30pm as normal, following the service.
It has been wonderful to see the students’ academic and personal development continue this year and they are all working extremely hard in preparation for the summer examinations. I am extremely proud of their efforts, and they should be congratulated on their focus as we move towards the examination period.
As always, if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards,
Dr Osborne
Head of Year 13