10 March 2022
Dear Parent /Carer,
A reminder of key calendar dates for the school:
- Wednesday 30th March 2022-School closes at 1:10pm to facilitate Year 8 Parent Consultation Afternoon.
- Friday 8th April 2022-School closed for Inset
- Monday 11th April 2022-Friday 22nd April 2022 - Easter Break
- School reopens at 8:40am on Monday 25th April 2022.
Arrangements in the event of extreme weather conditions:
In the case of a possible school closure and such decision affecting Birmingham schools a decision will be made by 6:45am, at the latest.
All weather warnings can be found on:
- The school website, www.bishopchalloner.org.uk
- Recorded phone message which can be accessed outside of school hours
- Text message to all parents
- Local radio – Free Radio, Heart FM, BBC Radio WM
Unless there is a general Birmingham School closure announcement on the radio, school should be regarded as open.
Yours sincerely
Dr J Coughlan