9 March 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,
Year 8 Parent Consultation Afternoon
Your child’s first Progress Report of the academic year will be available shortly. We request that you collect their report on Wednesday 30th March 2022 between 2pm-4.30pm.
Please enter via main reception, you can collect your report on entry and there will be a space for you to read it.
If you would like to review and discuss the report in general, you are welcome to make an appointment via school cloud with your child’s Consultation Tutor, alternatively you are welcome to collect the report and see specific subject teachers only. This would be on a first come first served basis. Some teachers will have indicated that they would like to see you, this will be obvious in the report.
Students are required to attend the appointment with you, in full school uniform.
Progress Reports occur at regular intervals and are a key aspect of the academic processes in the school. You are strongly advised to attend.
Appointment times with consultation tutors will be available to book on school cloud from Wednesday 9th March at 6pm until Tuesday 29th March 2022 at 12 noon.
Staff will only be available until 4.30pm on the day.
Yours faithfully
Mrs McGowan
Head of Year 8