2 March 2022

2 March 2022
Dear parent/carer,
Change of date – Year 12 Parent Consultation Evening
I hope that you had an enjoyable half term break and that your son/daughter feels refreshed and ready for the new half term ahead.
I am writing to let you know that we have a change of date for the Year 12 Parents Consultation Evening, which was scheduled for Wednesday 23rd March 2022, but has now been moved to Wednesday 13th July 2022. The reason for this change is to bring the evening in line with the college reporting schedule, as you will receive a detailed written report and estimated grade for each subject in July.
Teachers are constantly monitoring academic progress and in addition to this detailed report, parents/carers will receive a short report at the end of March. If issues are identified at any point between March and July, you will of course be notified.
A further date for the diary is the Year 12 Mock Examinations, which are scheduled to take place between Monday 16th and Friday 22nd May 2022. Students will be provided with further subject specific detail about these examinations nearer the time and will take two papers per subject across this period.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns of an academic or well-being nature, so that we can provide appropriate support to your son/daughter.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Osborne
Head of Year 12