4 October 2021

4th October 2021
Dear Parents / Carers,
UCAS predicted grades
You will shortly receive the results of your son/daughter’s mock examinations. If we have concerns about the academic progress of any student, we will be in touch to discuss what support we can offer and the action that the student needs to take. You received a detailed report, with a predicted grade range, in the summer term of Year 12, and the next academic report will be issued at the end of the autumn term.
As a general guide, the UCAS predicted grade (for university applications) is up to one grade higher than the grade achieved in the mock examinations. However, we will, of course personalise, these predicted grades and use assessed work gathered over the course of Year 12, the predicted grades range sent out in the summer term report, as well as the mock examination results to determine an individual’s predicted grade. The UCAS predicted grades tend to be optimistic, as we want to give our students every chance of succeeding in obtaining offers of places on their chosen courses.
Students should make their five university choices carefully and must scrutinise the entry requirements, to ensure they have as broad a range as possible of grade requirements for the course they want to study.
For example, a student who is currently producing work around the B/C grade in each subject could choose two aspirational university courses, whose entry requirements are AAA. They could then choose two courses with more realistic entry requirements of ABB and one course whose entry requirements of BCC constitute a ‘safety net’.
Whilst we want to raise our students’ aspirations, they must also be mindful of making realistic choices.
The university predicted grades may well be different to any teacher assessed grades that we might award, if were once again in the very unfortunate situation of there being no Year 13 examinations next year.
Please be assured of the comprehensive support and guidance your son/ daughter is receiving in preparation for their post-18 progression. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to make contact with the Sixth Form team.
Best wishes,
Mrs Healy
Head of Year 13
0121 441 6144