30 September 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,
October Update
We have been delighted to see Year 13 students displaying such a mature attitude as they settle back into their studies, and to receive such positive feedback from subject teachers about students’ approach to mock exams. Further communication will follow regarding mock exam results and how predicted UCAS grades are determined.
College starts at 8.40am with morning registration for all Bishop Challoner Catholic College students, this includes Sixth Form students. Notices with key information are given to students in this time. If a student has a study period after morning registration, then the expectation is that they utilise this time in one of their study areas.
The majority of students have excellent attendance and punctuality but I would like to alert parents/carers about an initiative that will be in place from Monday 4th October for students who are persistently failing to meet expectations. If a student is persistently late to college and misses their morning registration time, they will have their offsite privileges withdrawn and have to remain onsite during the college day. Once a student has improved their punctuality to college, offsite privileges will be reinstated.
We appreciate that these can be challenging times for young adults and we value your support in continuing to keep an open dialogue at home. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns of an academic or well-being nature, so that we can provide appropriate support to your son/daughter. There are many useful links, which are regularly updated, on the safeguarding and wellbeing area of our website.
Best wishes,
Mrs Healy
Head of Year 13
0121 441 6144