30 September 2021

30th September 2021
Dear parent/carer
Autumn Term Update – Year 12
I hope that your son/daughter has settled well into their first term of the new academic year and are enjoying their subjects and being a member of the Sixth-Form community. We have certainly enjoyed welcoming them into this new chapter of their academic life.
We will be having our first Year 12 assembly on Monday 1 October and I thought that it would be helpful to share with you some of the areas that will be covered.
Students will be reminded that the latest date by which they can change their subject choices will be Friday 15th October 2021. We do not anticipate changes at this stage as we have stressed, since the start of September, the importance of students speaking up if they have concerns about their choices. We will not be able to accommodate any changes after this date, as students will need sufficient time to catch up on any missed material and be up to date with any new subject after half term.
We have already started our enrichment programme and students will be looking at Progression for the next few weeks. After half term, students will be able to select an activity to participate in and we will be sharing these options with them during the assembly. We have a wide range of interesting activities for students to choose from and are lucky that staff throughout the school have volunteered their time and expertise to enable this valuable programme to run.
Teachers are constantly monitoring academic progress and parents/carers will receive a short report in December. If issues are identified in the meantime, however, you will be notified. Looking further ahead, another short report will be provided in March 2022, and a detailed written report in July 2022, following the Year 12 Mock Exams, which are scheduled for May 2022.
I appreciate that these are not only exciting but perhaps also challenging times for young adults and we value your support in continuing to keep an open dialogue at home. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns of an academic or well-being, nature, so that we can provide appropriate support to your son/daughter. There are many useful links, which are regularly updated, on the safeguarding and wellbeing area of our website.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Osborne