17 September 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Year 12 Biology: Study Sessions and Baseline Assessment
We wish to take this opportunity to inform you of the study sessions that will be held every Monday from 3:15 to 4:15pm, and will begin on Monday 20th of September. The study sessions are an important part of the course to support and guide learning. We would appreciate your support in this matter.
On Monday 4th of October there will be an internal assessment based on the course content studied so far. This assessment is to assess their progress, and highlight any concerns. The students will be shown areas to revise and given exam questions to support revision. As an additional support, we are selling the CGP Year 1 and 2 Biology revision guide at £20.00 at school. The students will have access to an online resource from Monday 20th of September, which includes an online textbook, revision activities, and exam style questions.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Yours sincerely
Miss Mayor
Head of Biology