20 May 2021

20th May 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
Year 13 lessons wb 24th May 2021
Next week, an increasing number of Year 13 students will have finished all of their timed assessments.
For that reason, we will be allowing most students to attend only the lessons for which they still have timed assessments to sit. Once their last timed assessment has taken place, they would be expected to attend no more lessons in that subject.
However, students of Art, OCR Sport, and Computer Science should continue to attend all lessons in those subjects next week. Some Chemistry students have a practical assessment to complete and will be told when that is.
This has been communicated to students today in form time, when we also joined together for a short service.
You will know, from my earlier communication, that after half-term students will not be required on site and will undertake an online transition programme in preparation for work or university in the remaining three weeks.
Students are reminded to return any text books.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your support throughout the last two challenging years.
Kind regards
M.A. Nutt
Associate Principal- Sixth Form