19 May 2021

19th May 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Year 12 Dress Code
This has been a very strange year and our students have responded to the many challenges with great positivity. As we look ahead with optimism to things returning to greater normality (and perhaps warmer weather), now is a good time to remind students and their Parents/Carers of our dress code. You will be familiar with this from the Handbook that was issued last September and I have copied a section below:
It should be noted that the following items are NOT appropriate:
- Clothes that reveal bare backs, midriff or plunging necklines
- Strapless, off the shoulder, or skimpy vest tops
- Any clothes that reveal upper thighs (unless worn with thick leggings)
- Clothes with offensive slogans
- Shorts above the knee
- Ripped Jeans
- Jogging/tracksuit bottoms or PE shorts
- Sports or leisure leggings, unless worn with a thigh length dress/tunic
- Headwear, except that worn for religious reasons
I have highlighted the items that are most commonly seen in contravention of the code.
From 7th June any student engaging in a sporting activity will be able to change on site, so there will be no need for joggers/shorts at any time outside of the practical lesson.
Up to this point, we have tried to deal with dress code defaulters by “having a quiet word” with students and informing their Parents/Carers in the case of persistent resistance. We are conscious that students have missed face-to-face teaching due to Lockdown, many have had to self-isolate too, so we have really wanted to avoid sending anyone home because of inappropriate dress. However, we have a dress code, all students were aware of that and have signed an agreement agreeing to it, and it has to be observed by all.
From Monday 7th June, any student who comes to college inappropriately dressed will be sent home to change. Parents/Carers will be informed of our action by phone.
I am very pleased to say that the students who do not comply with our dress code constitute a very small minority. To the large majority, once again, I extend our thanks and congratulate them on continuing to be excellent role models to our younger students.
I am sure we can rely on your continued support.
Kind regards
M.A. Nutt
Associate Principal- Sixth Form