24 March 2021

24th March 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
The PE Department are delighted to be able to offer swimming lessons to all of our year 7 students, starting in the Summer Term. Swimming is an integral part of our PE Curriculum and we are keen to offer your child this opportunity for 3 weeks. These swimming lessons will be part of their double PE lessons and students will be transported by mini bus to Cocksmoor Woods Leisure centre. All activities and logistics for this programme have been fully risk assessed by the PE department and PE teachers will ensure that strict Covid 19 guidelines are followed. Furthermore, the Leisure Centre has also been risk assessed by Birmingham Leisure who operate the facility. Students will be required to wear masks in all communal areas and on mini buses when travelling.
You will find a swimming tick sheet attached to this letter which will give you more information on starts dates and kit requirements. This information will also be shared with your child before they go swimming so they are fully prepared.
Please do not hesitate to contact me by email or by phone if you have any questions.
Boys contact - g.noone@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Girls contact - s.ellis@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Contact reception – 01214444161
Kind regards,
Mr G Noone (Head of Boys)
Miss S Ellis (Head of Girls)
Bishop Challoner PE Department