12 March 2021

12th March 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
Supporting our local community
It has been fantastic to welcome back all students to school this week.
Wherever possible, it is our duty and a vital part of our Catholic mission to reach out and support our local community. During the current pandemic there are a number of ways our students can do this:
- Show consideration by socially distancing on the way to and from school.
- Avoid congregating in groups of over six.
- Be considerate to other local residents by ensuring pavements are kept clear to allow others to socially distance.
- Follow government advice on the use of face coverings when entering shops and other enclosed spaces.
- Follow government advice on safer travel on public transport.
- Disperse quickly from the school site and local area at the end of the school day.
We are asking our students to arrive to school as close to their designated start time as possible so as to take pressure off public transport, support with social distancing and to ensure year groups can be kept apart as best we can. However the school will be open to all students from 7:30am as we would prefer our young people to come onto the school site rather than wait around in the local area.
We will, of course, continue to reiterate these key messages in school and we hope that parents /carers will continue to work in partnership with us in reinforcing these messages at home as well.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Dr J Coughlan