26 February 2021

26th February 2021
March Return: Information for Parents/Carers of Year 11 students
Dear Parents/Carers,
Further to my letter dated February 24th 2021, I now write to confirm details on the plans for the return to school in March.
All students in Year 11 will return to full-time face-to-face education on Monday 8th March.
Provision for key worker/vulnerable students will continue as normal up until full return.
Mass Asymptomatic Testing
For those students that have consented to asymptomatic testing the first test prior to full return will take place on Thursday 4th March according to the schedule below.
Form Group |
Time slot |
11BER |
10am |
11BOS |
10.30am |
11CEC |
11am |
11LUK |
11.30am |
11SEB |
12pm |
11TER |
12.30pm |
- Students must arrive promptly at the start of their allocated time slot. Parent/Carers will receive a text message to remind them of the time slots for testing.
- Students will enter the school through the main reception and will be directed where to go from here.
- Students may want to bring a book to read in case of a wait.
- As soon as the test is completed, students will return home straight away. Parents/Carers will be informed of the outcome of the test by email from the NHS- you should receive notification by the end of the day that the test has been done. The school will contact Parents/Carers in the event of a positive test.
- Subject to a negative test, students will be able to return to face-to-face education as per the start date outlined above.
- Where Parents/Carers/Students have not provided consent for asymptomatic testing they will return to face-to-face education as per the start date outlined above and will not be subject to any subsequent testing. If you have not yet indicated whether you provide consent we strongly urge you to complete this process; further details are below.
- Students should take care to ensure they are socially distancing on the way to and from school; including whilst using public transport.
- Students do not need to attend their test in school uniform but they must ensure they have a suitable face covering (unless exempt).
- There will be two subsequent tests that take place during the school day on Tuesday 9th March and Friday 12th March; this will require us to withdraw students from lessons to complete their tests.
- Once these three initial tests have been completed students will be given testing kits to take home to allow for ongoing regular testing. Further details on home testing will be communicated at a later point.
Mass asymptomatic testing consent
We would strongly encourage Parents/Carers to indicate whether they are giving consent to asymptomatic testing if you have not already done so. The consent form can be accessed via the link below
Further details on asymptomatic testing were given in my letter dated January 2nd which is also available via this link: https://www.bishopchalloner.org.uk/news/2021-01-02-parent-carer-letter-02-01-2021-covid-19-mass-asymptomatic-testing-for-staff-and-students
An update on serial testing was also provided in a communication from Mrs Breen on January 21st available via this link: https://www.bishopchalloner.org.uk/news/2021-01-21-parent-carer-letter-21-01-2021-updated-dfe-guidance-on-serial-testing
We had a huge response to our previous request for consent and I thank Parents/Carers/Students for responding so rapidly.
At the end of this communication we have included some images of the Testing Centre we have in place on the school site. It is a highly professional setup and allows for a high degree of privacy whilst tests are being conducted. Trained staff will be on hand to advise students on how to self-administer their tests. I hope that the inclusion of this information will help to ease any anxiety our students may have ahead of engaging in testing.
Attendance at school will again become compulsory but there are exceptions, particularly in the case of clinically extremely vulnerable students who are advised to continue to shield, and other students who must not attend in line with public health guidance to self-isolate. Students should not attend school if they display any symptoms of COVID-19 and are advised to seek a test.
Remote Education
Remote education will continue over the next two weeks and also as we phase the return of all students across the week commencing Monday 8th March. On days where students are being tested, it is likely there will be no live lessons and the volume of work set will be adjusted in recognition that students will need to travel to and from school during the day.
Uniform/Dress Code
Students are required to attend in full school uniform from Monday 8th March. To avoid the need for students to have to change for PE, students will be need to wear their full PE kit to school and remain in kit for the whole school day when they have PE. In case of poor weather you may consider purchasing the track pants and/or leggings for girls, these are available from Clive Mark. All students must wear their school blazer everyday including with their PE kit.
In the event of cold weather students can wear a royal blue (Year 7-10) or maroon (Year 11) v-neck jumper/sweatshirt over their shirt and under their blazer. Under no circumstances should hoodies or other non-uniform items be worn under blazers.
Students will need to bring in trainers and girls can bring in PE shorts/leggings for Dramatic Studies.
Face Coverings
Face coverings should continue to be worn by staff and students where social distancing cannot easily be maintained when moving around the premises and in communal areas. In addition, for a limited period, face coverings will also be worn in classrooms and other teaching spaces, unless wearing a face covering would impact on the ability to take part in exercise or strenuous activity, for example in PE lessons, or for those who are exempt from wearing a face covering as set out in Government guidance.
The School Day
Our amended start and end times will continue upon return to enable a staggered arrival and departure.
For Year 11 students the school day will start at 8.50am and end at 3.10pm (there will be an earlier finish on a Friday of 2.55pm).
Study sessions will re-commence on Monday 15th March and will finish no later than 4.30pm.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
We recognise the impact that lockdown may have on the mental health and wellbeing of our young people and the anxiety some of our young people may be feeling prior to return.
With this in mind, there are a number of resources and links on our website:
Alternatively, if you wish to discuss any worries or concerns please contact school on 0121 444 4161 and ask to speak to a member of the Mental Health Team.
Should you have any academic or general pastoral concerns please continue to contact your son/daughter's Head of Year on the email address detailed below:
- Year 11- Miss Beard, j.beard@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
As students return our narrative will not focus on ‘missed time’ and overwhelming students with work. Instead the focus will be on welcome, reconnecting with face-to-face teaching and fulfilling our potential.
We continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers all those who have been adversely affected by this pandemic both within our wider community and beyond.
We look forward to seeing our students return in the coming days.
Dr J. Coughlan
Images of the Bishop Challoner Testing Centre |