7 January 2021

07 January 2021
Dear Year 11 students Following the recent decision to close schools, many of you may be feeling anxious and disappointed. With the work and commitment you have put into your studies, you will be concerned about what these changes mean for your future. We now know that summer GCSE examinations have been cancelled, however, we do not currently know exactly how your grades will be determined. When further guidance has been given to us, we will relay this information to you. BTEC assessments are, currently, still taking place. Your KS4 experience, has, to a large extent, been over-shadowed by the global pandemic. We cannot overstate how proud we are of the continued dedication of our students, both in school and working remotely. You should be equally proud of the conscientiousness and resilience you have shown. The Government has highlighted the importance of students accessing remote learning; therefore, it is essential that you continue to attend live lessons, complete work set and study with the diligence that your GCSE and vocational courses require. If you have any problems with online learning, at any time, you must contact your teachers or your Head/Assistant Head of Year. Your teachers will continue to fully support you as you prepare you for your future, be that here in our Sixth Form or following other pathways. You will continue to cover the subject content and practise the range of skills required. There will be opportunities for you to demonstrate your academic attainment. We cannot control the current situation but we can determine how we respond to the challenge. Take time to look after yourselves. Remember that there is a range of useful wellbeing links on the website: https://www.bishopchalloner.org.uk/catholic-college/about/safeguarding/safeguarding-and-well-being
Kind regards Miss Beard