6 January 2021

5th January 2020
Dear parents/carers
“Remember the past with gratitude. Live the present with enthusiasm. Look forward to the future with confidence.” St John Paul II
It has been a somewhat turbulent start to the New Year and I find myself writing to you again to offer further updates following the government announcement that we are moving into a new period of nationwide lockdown.
I am sure that the news surrounding public examinations in the summer has created a heightened sense of uncertainty and anxiety for some of our young people and, sadly, we have had to postpone our own Year 13 mock exams which were due to take place next week. Please rest-assured the school will do everything it can to help, support, guide and advise all of our young people as we negotiate the weeks and months to come.
On site provision
Vulnerable children and children of critical workers will be able to continue to attend school in person.
If you are a critical worker and your child will be attending please email your child’s name and year group to keyworker@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
An updated list of critical workers can be found via this weblink.
Currently, all other students will be expected to return to school for face-to-face education at the earliest by Monday 22nd February and is subject to review by the government.
Remote Education
Whilst students are not in school for face-to-face teaching, they will be able to access remote education and follow their usual school timetable.
Remote education for all year groups commenced on Tuesday 5th January.
Full details on our plans for Remote Education and also how to access technical support were shared in the letter from Mr O’Connor dated 31st December.
There is further support available on our website: https://bishopchalloner.org.uk/remote-learning
If your son/daughter borrows a netbook every day whilst at school and will need this device at home to complete any remote learning then please contact the school reception on 0121 444 4161 or email reception@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk to book a time to collect a device. You will be asked to complete a netbook loan agreement form and you will return the device at the end of the isolation period.
If your son/daughter has not got access to the internet at home then please contact the school reception on 0121 444 4161 or email reception@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk to arrange a suitable time to pick up a dongle.
Lessons timings for each day will be:
Day Structure |
Start Time |
End Time |
Period 1 |
0850 |
0945 |
Period 2 |
0945 |
1045 |
Break |
1045 |
1110 |
Period 3 |
1110 |
1210 |
Period 4 |
1210 |
1310 |
Lunch |
1310 |
1350 |
Period 5 |
1350 |
1450 |
We are also looking to introduce a weekly assembly for each year group on Wednesday from 14:50-15:05.
Mass asymptomatic testing programme
Every secondary school and college in England will have access to rapid coronavirus testing (known as ‘lateral flow tests’) from January to help keep staff and students as safe as possible and in education. The press release available via the link below gives a further overview of the planned testing programme in schools
We are positive about the potential for the mass asymptomatic testing of students and staff in schools as a way of reducing the spread of the virus and enabling fewer students and staff to have to self-isolate.
Further details on this programme were given in my letter dated January 2nd.
Despite the new restrictions we are under we are still seeking consent for mass asymptomatic testing. The consent form can be accessed via the link below and I would be grateful if parents/carers could complete form this to indicate whether they are giving consent.
Additional information for students attending school during lockdown
- Students should attend in full school uniform and full school PE kit on days where they are due to have PE.
- Students enter and exit the school via the sports hall reception.
- Students will remain in year group bubbles.
- Students will be supervised completing their remote education throughout the day.
- Students should come fully equipped for school which includes bringing their fully charged netbook device and charger.
- Where possible we would ask students to bring in a set of headphones to listen to live lessons as required. Headphones will also be available from the school where needed.
From Thursday 7th January we will be temporarily suspending our staggered starts and ends to the school day. Students attending school should arrive for 08:40 and the school day will finish at 15:05.
Students should continue to refrain from attending school if they are displaying any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19 or if they are required to self-isolate. If any student attending school tests positive for COVID-19 parents/carers must inform the school as a matter of urgency.
Safeguarding, Mental Health and Wellbeing
During this time we want to reassure you that the safety of our young people remains paramount. If, at anytime, you have concerns about the safety of your child or another young person within our school, please contact the school immediately on 0121 444 4161 where a Designated Safeguarding Lead will be informed and will make contact with you. If you believe that a young person is at immediate risk please call 999.
We recognise the impact that lockdown may have on the mental health and wellbeing of our young people. With this in mind, there are a number of resources and links on our website:
Alternatively, if you wish to discuss any worries or concerns please contact school on 0121 444 4161 and ask to speak to a member of the Mental Health Team.
Should you have any academic or general pastoral concerns please contact your son/daughter's Head of Year on the email address detailed below:
Year 7- Mrs McGowan, h.mcgowan@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 8- Mr Clarke, s.clarke@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 9- Mrs Brown, c.brown@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 10- Ms Hampson, r.hampson@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 11- Miss Beard, j.beard@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 12- Mrs Healy, m.healy@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Year 13- Mrs Bisset, f.bisset@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Thank you once more for your support and best wishes to everyone within our school community.
Dr J Coughlan