17 December 2020

A massive big thank you to the 'Cooking Squad' who helped to prepare and cook approx. 40 meals this evening in T5. These meals will be delivered by BC staff to families and individuals who will benefit from receiving a cooked meal on Thursday.
As part of this initiative the school will also send a cheque for £200 to SIFA Fireside to help feed the homeless in Birmingham City Centre this Christmas.
A big thank you to Saint Vincent De Paul and to St Dunstans Primary school who will provide the school with 20 Christmas Dinner Food Parcels that will ensure 20 families within our school community will have a Christmas dinner this year.
Combine this with our incredible 630kg of food donated to the B30 Foodbank, the 440 Christmas Shoe boxes through the Colm Smyth appeal and the clothing donation to St Chads Sanctuary. A stunning effort from staff and students and an incredible end to a difficult year!
True Christmas Spirit to help provide for those in greater need!