16 December 2020

Wednesday 16 December 2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please find some important information below from the Department for Education regarding communication with school about coronavirus (COVID-19) during the school holiday.
Where a pupil tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), having developed symptoms more than 48 hours since being in school, the school should not be contacted. Parents and carers should follow contact tracing instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace.
For the first 6 days after teaching ends, if a pupil tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), having developed symptoms within 48 hours of being in school, the school is asked to assist in identifying close contacts and advising self-isolation, as the individual may have been infectious whilst in school.
In this instance please contact school by email using the address shown below informing us of the pupil’s name, year group, date of onset of symptoms and date the positive result was received. Please also include a contact number in case a member of staff needs any further information-
School staff are not asked to remain on-call or conduct any contact tracing more than 6 days after the final day of teaching. Where a schools last teaching day is on Thursday 17 December, there should be no pupil contact tracing asks beyond Wednesday 23 December.
Where pupils are required to self-isolate due to contact with a positive case after the first 6 days following the end of term, schools do not need to be informed about their absence until the first day of the new term. In this instance please report your child’s absence in the normal way by contacting school on Monday 4th January 2021.
The latest guidance for parents/carers is available via the link below-
Yours faithfully,
Dr J Coughlan