13 September 2024

Image of Welcome


Dear Parent/Carer,

It has been lovely to welcome all students back to school these past two weeks, they have returned looking extremely smart and have began the academic year in an excellent manner.

In preparation for the year ahead please see some important information below-

BC Basics

The BC Basics are the Standards for Learning that outline our expectations and shared set of values for all students at Bishop Challoner Catholic College.  For September 2024, the BC Basics have been revised to incorporate the Catholic Virtues and the acronym of FAITHFUL will underpin the core values of the school.  Students will be learning about eight of the character virtues as part of our Standards for Learning Curriculum. Please look out for weekly updates in the BC14. They reflect our mission statement where we develop our full potential, encouraging full engagement with learning.  The positive language will be referenced to in all school contexts and reflects our collaborative aim to instil character and purpose for all those who are part of our community.

Attendance and Punctuality

The school manages and monitors attendance within the 5 Foundations Framework, the focus for us this term is foundation 1, 'Whole School Thinking, Culture and Climate'.  We will be talking to students about the importance of excellent attendance and punctuality, and you will receive some additional information in due course.  Please support the school and your child by ensuring that they are in school every day and on time.  

Safeguarding and Wellbeing

In order for us work together, to best support our young people, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have information to share regarding the safeguarding or wellbeing of your child.  This is particularly important if there has been a change in circumstances for the young person.  Please contact Mrs K Peckover, Mrs M Nutt or any DSL or member of the Wellbeing Team.

Uniform and Standards

You will know that from this term girls should be wearing only pleated skirt or trousers.  Straight skirts (not stretchy/lycra) that still fit can be worn until October half term if required.  Following consultation with parents/carers last term, governors will be reviewing the updated Uniform and Standards Policy in the next few weeks. 

Rewards and Sanctions

We will continue to acknowledge the achievements of students through the awarding of achievement points in Class Charts.  There will also be various additional rewards and events that celebrate the successes for students throughout the year.

As part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining a productive learning environment, we would like to inform you of some changes to our school detention sanctions, effective immediately. 

Late detentions- are scheduled during lunchtime. This will include students to have ample time for a toilet break and for food. Students who do not attend at lunchtime will receive a same day after school detention, communicated home via text and Class Charts.

Class Teacher detentions- set at teacher discretion. These detentions are set at 30 minutes and where missed will escalate to a departmental detention of up to 60 minutes. 

Head of Year detentions- all Head of Year detentions will be held on a Thursday after school. 

Escalation Detention- if students fail to attend the Head of Year or departmental detention this will be escalated to a 90 minute after school detention on a Friday. 

We will continue to utilise Class Charts as our primary communication platform for notifying parents and students about detentions. Please ensure that you have access to Class Charts to receive timely updates regarding your child's detention, positive logs and homework set. 

These changes have been implemented to streamline our detention process, maintain clear expectations for students, and uphold standards.

All parents/carers will have signed an agreement We kindly request your cooperation in reinforcing the expectations of the school at home and encourage open communication between school and home to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students.


Please ensure that if your child buys food or drink from the school canteen that their Schoolcomms account is topped up regularly.  Please be reminded that if eligible for free school meals this can only be taken at lunchtime, students will need to use their own funds at break.


Yours faithfully,


Mr S Clarke

KS4 Standards for Learning Lead