20 June 2024

School Fund to replace ageing school minibuses
Dear pPrent/Carer,
We are writing to you today to request your support for our school's need to replace our minibuses over the next four years. As you are aware, your donations to School Fund are a key part in supporting our existing extra-curricular and enrichment programmes that hugely benefit our students. Our school minibuses play a huge part in supporting our extensive extra-curricular programme, but also in supporting our curriculum, allowing our students to access many venues across the city on a weekly basis.
Over the years, the demands for transportation to support our students' academic and extracurricular activities has grown significantly. Unfortunately, our school minibuses are starting to feel their age, and we have been facing the challenge in meeting the increasing costs in maintaining four old buses. Despite been road safe, the exterior of the buses are showing signs of rust and decay, and the interior is in a very sorry state. We have recently replaced one bus, and are proposing a three year plan that will enable us to replace one bus each year over the next three years before we are in a position where the remaining buses need to be replaced all at once, which we simply cannot afford.
The approximate cost of a second-hand bus, roadworthy with low mileage, well maintained, would come in the region of £36,000. The school will be setting aside funds received from school lettings of approximately £12,000 each year to be put into a minibus replacement fund. We would need to raise and additional £24,000 per year to help fund the purchase of a replacement minibus that will enable us to provide safe and reliable transportation services to our students.
We hope that you can support the school. We will be requesting a voluntary contribution from you through school comms. This voluntary contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in helping us achieve our goal. For example, a £40 donation, paid over two instalments across the academic year, would allow us to achieve our financial goal. There will only be one request for a financial donation this academic year with two request annually going forward.
We are committed to being transparent and accountable with the funds raised, and we will provide regular updates on the progress of the fundraising campaign on our website and through our newsletters. We will also ensure that the minibus is used effectively and efficiently to meet the transportation needs of our students.
Thank you for considering our request for support. Your donation will make a real difference in the lives of many students in our school community.
Yours sincerely,
Mr O’Connor
Vice Principal