18 June 2024

Catholic Schools Inspectorate
Dear Parent/Carer,
The school is due to have an inspection undertaken by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate on Thursday and Friday of this week. The inspection is both a diocesan and a statutory responsibility.
In the organisation of the Church, the bishop is the ‘first teacher’ in the diocese with responsibility for the formation and education of his people, with particular responsibilities in schools. The inspectors working for the Inspectorate act on his behalf to fulfil this responsibility.
The purpose of inspection is to report to and advise the bishop on the quality of the Catholic life and mission of the school, of religious education and of collective worship. Of course, it also stands to inform parents and the wider Catholic community.
Inspectors will observe learning and acts of worship, talk to staff and pupils, analyse data, and discuss emerging issues with the school’s leadership. The inspection culminates in a written report that will be sent to you.
The view of parents is very important, and we shall be sharing with the inspectors any evidence we have of parents’ views of the school. The inspectors would also like to hear directly from you. We appreciate that we have not given you very much time, but it would be helpful if you could complete the questionnaire, which can be accessed here https://forms.office.com/e/baH6s4qAEP. Responses to the questionnaire go directly to the inspectors, are anonymous and individual responses cannot be identified.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire. We look forward to sharing the outcomes of the inspection when the report has been received.
Yours faithfully
Mr G Keegan
Chair of Governors