6 June 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,
On Tuesday 2nd July, we will be hosting a Culture Day at Bishop Challoner Catholic College. This will be an amazing day, celebrating our wonderfully diverse school community. As part of the event, students will attend lessons that have a cultural theme and they will be provided with opportunities to gain an insight into different traditions from around the world. There will also be a Culture Fair that students will attend where they can engage in various craft and practical activities.
During lunchtime, our wonderful canteen will providing delicious food from across the globe from South Asia to Europe. We will be encouraging all students to perhaps try something different to what they might normally select!
We also welcome students to attend the day in appropriate cultural dress that represents their own heritage. This could be anything from a national costume/dress, to wearing the specific flag colours for their country. For example, dressing in red, white and blue would be acceptable for anyone of English heritage. Sports tops will be allowed, but these must have a direct link to a country. If students do not wish to take part in this aspect of the day, full school uniform is required.
As part of the fair, we will also have a photo gallery and costume installation on display. If your child would like to bring in a photograph of themselves, celebrating something cultural with friends or family, we can enlarge the images and return the original photograph. We will also be displaying items of cultural dress and if you have anything that you could add to our gallery, please do send these into school. Many will be displayed in cabinets and all items will not be in reach of students; they are just going to be part of our installation. If you have anything you would like on display, please send into school, clearly labelled, to the attention of Mrs Jethwa or Miss Reynolds.
We very much look forward to celebrating our diverse school community.
Yours sincerely
Mrs J Jethwa
Standards for Learning KS3