17 April 2024

Dear Parent/Carer
During their time at Bishop Challoner, students are assessed in regular intervals so that we can monitor their progress.
I am writing to inform you that Year 7 Assessments will take place between Monday 6th May and Friday 24th May.
It is important that all students prepare thoroughly for these assessments as they allow teachers to measure the progress your child has made since the beginning of the academic year. These assessments will also help when deciding on setting in Year 8.
The assessments will be completed during normal lesson time and an assessment timetable is now published on the school website, along with guidance on the topics to be assessed within each subject.
Please click here
Please make sure that your child refers to this guidance as it will help them to feel effectively prepared for these assessments. It also provides you with information on what your child should be revising at home to support their preparations.
Some Year 7 students may feel apprehensive about taking assessments so please reassure them that we will let them know everything they need to well in advance. The assessments will allow staff to gain a deeper understanding of what the students have understood and retained. They should not cause undue anxiety.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish Year 7 every success with their assessments. With thorough preparation and organisation, students will be in a position to produce encouraging results thus demonstrating the progress they have made.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me or Mr Fell if you have any concerns or queries.
You can contact us at:
Best wishes
Mrs J Jethwa Mr D Fell
Raising Standards Leader – KS3 Assistant Head of Year 7