21 March 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,
Year 11 Prom
The Year 11 Prom is fast approaching and is always a lovely, well deserved celebration of the efforts our students have put in, during this busy exam period. Details of the night are as follows:
Date: Friday 28th June 2024
Time: 7:30pm – 11pm
West Mead Hotel, Redditch Road, Hopwood, Birmingham, B48 7AL
Tickets cost £45 and are available via Schoolcomms. This price includes a buffet, DJ and a soft drinks bar. The ticket price is reduced to £40 for those students that assisted at our Open Evening in September. There is also a further reduction of £5 for students who achieve 100% attendance between Tuesday 9th April and Friday 3rd May. This would reduce the cost of the ticket to £35.
The Year 11 Prom is always a lovely occasion which relies on high standards of behaviour for everyone’s enjoyment. Alcohol is strictly prohibited and searches will be made as the students enter the venue.
For health and safety reasons any student leaving before 11pm must sign out with a member of staff.
Once students have left the Prom, parents/carers are responsible for their safety. It is also possible to collect students from the venue.
Parental consent and payment will be via Schoolcomms.
- £20 deposit by Thursday 28th March
- £5 by Monday 15th April for students who did not assist at Open Evening
- £15 by Monday 29th April
- £5 by Wednesday 15th May for students not achieving 100% attendance between the dates above.
Students will not be admitted to the Prom if we have not received parental consent and payment.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Yours sincerely
Mr Clarke Miss Williams
Head of Year 11 Assistant Head of Year 11