8 March 2024

Enrichment Trip
Birmingham Irish Association – St Patrick’s Day Parade – Bradford Street, Digbeth
Sunday 17th March 12pm
Dear Parent/Carer
On Sunday 17th March, we have arranged for a group 30 students to represent Bishop Challoner Catholic College in the St Patricks Day Parade. The students will walk behind the school banner and will be waving flags or banging musical instruments as we parade down Bradford Street. We would ask the students to wear items of green clothing or any Irish sporting shirt or t-shirt.
The school will provide transport to get everyone to Bradford Street on the morning to ensure we all arrive at the same time. The students will be leaving school at 10:30am and we estimate the Parade to end at 1:30pm-2pm. We would ask parents/carers to collect their child at the end of the parade in Digbeth. A handover location will be agreed in advance.
Students will be supervised by Mr O’Connor, Mrs Choudhury, and Miss Hughes, from the moment we meet at Bishop Challoner in the morning until the handover at the end of the Parade. Students may wish to bring a packed lunch or snacks, as the event won’t finish until approximately pm.
If you would like your child to participate in this trip please make consent and note any medical information via schoolcomms by Wednesday 13th March. This consent includes your permission for photographs to be taken of your child. If you object, please contact me on 0121 444 4161.
If you require any more information about the day please do not hesitate to contact me via email at: e.oconnor@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Yours faithfully
Mr O’Connor
Vice Principal