7 December 2023

Dear Local Residents/Business owners,
For years at Bishop Challoner Catholic College, we have supported the Christmas Shoe Box appeal to ensure that children from across the world receive a gift on Christmas morning. For the third year running, we are teaming up with the Birmingham Irish Association to look closer to home; to support families in Birmingham who face the struggle of buying gifts for their children this Christmas.
With the increasing cost of living families will be facing worrying challenges this Christmas and will struggle to buy gifts as they prioritise putting food on the table and trying to stay warm.
We will be asking our staff and students to donate new toys for various age groups and will also be accepting cash donations to allow us to purchase toys for the appeal. We would really appreciate any support that can be offered by local business to help us to support local families.
We are asking our local community for their support through:
Making a cash donation through our Just Giving page:
Make sure you include your name so that we can thank you for your kind donation.
Donating toys directly to the appeal
Please drop any donations off to Bishop Challoner Catholic College, Institute Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 7EG or contact me on 0121 444 4161/e.oconnor@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk to arrange collection.
More than ever, local families are feeling the financial pressure. Any support you can offer to help us to help families through what can be a very anxious and worrying time would be hugely appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our appeal and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Toy Appeal
Kind regards
Eddie O’Connor
Vice Principal