6 June 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,
University of Birmingham Open Day
As part of their compulsory careers programme, we are arranging for all Year 12 students to visit the University of Birmingham Open Day on Friday 23rd June 2023.
This will be an occasion for students to experience at first-hand what university life is like. There will be opportunities for students to visit subject departments and talk to current university students and lecturers, as well as seeing student accommodation and some of the sports and leisure facilities.
Students will need to make their own way to the University of Birmingham campus. They should assemble in front of the Clock Tower in Chancellor’s Court at 9:00am. Staff will be there to meet and register them. University of Birmingham campus is easily accessible by train and bus and a map will be issued to all students the week of the visit.
As with any other open days, students will not be directly supervised throughout the day, as they will wish to attend different talks or visit different facilities, according to their interests. They will however have a number to call members of the Sixth Form team who will be on the university campus, in case of an emergency.
Students must check in at the clock tower at 1:00pm and will be free to continue their visit thereafter. Students will have seen the open day programme in advance, so if they know they will be late to register back due to a clash with a session they want to attend, they must let Mrs McGowan/Mr Mullins know at the start of the day. Students will have a final check in the afternoon and are encouraged to stay to attend the afternoon sessions, however, if they have seen everything they need to in the morning, they are free to leave after the last check in. Staff will remain on site until 3:30pm.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink with them, or money to buy lunch at the university. There is a wide range of catering facilities on the campus.
This is a visit that all Year 12 students are expected to take part in and we would be grateful if you would please give consent via SchoolComms by Wednesday 14th June.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Yours sincerely
Mr Mullins
Head of Sixth Form