10 May 2023
Dear Parents/Carers and Students,
I am writing to all students to remind you of the expectations around the summer dress code.
There is no uniform for Sixth Form students, but the expectation is that they wear clothes that are deemed ‘college-appropriate’. The Sixth Form dress code reflects the fact that this is a working academic environment and that our students are role models for the rest of the college. Student dress must be appropriate for an environment of serious study, but of course we want them to be comfortable when the weather improves.
Here is a reminder of what is deemed inappropriate for Sixth Form:
- Jogging bottoms or PE shorts
- Slides/flip flop style footwear
- Clothes that reveal bare backs, midriff or plunging necklines
- Strapless, off the shoulder, or skimpy vest tops
- Any clothes that reveal upper thighs (unless worn with thick leggings)
- Clothes with offensive slogans
- Shorts (this will be relaxed if we experience extreme weather, this will be communicated with, as and when required)
- Ripped Jeans
- Headwear, except that worn for religious reasons.
Most students have adhered to the dress code all year and it has rarely been an issue, but I just wanted to remind students of the expectations now the weather is hopefully improving coming into summer.
Students that do not adhere to the dress code required may be asked to go home and get changed where required and parents/carers will be informed before such a decision is made.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Mullins
Head of Sixth Form