30 November 2022
Dear Parent/Carer,
A reminder of two key dates:
- School is closed for all students on Friday 9th December 2022 to facilitate Parent Consultation Day.
- School will close at 12:40pm to all students on Thursday 15th December 2022 and re-opens at 8:40am on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.
Arrangements in the event of extreme weather conditions:
In the case of a possible school closure and such decision, affecting Birmingham schools a decision will be made by 6:45am, at the latest.
All weather warnings can be found on:
- The school website, www.bishopchalloner.org.uk
- Recorded phone message which can be accessed outside of school hours
- Text message to all parents
- Local radio – Free Radio, Heart FM, BBC Radio WM
Unless there is a general Birmingham School closure announcement on the radio, school should be regarded as open.
We wish you Peace and Joy for Christmas and the New Year from the Governors and Staff at Bishop Challoner Catholic College.
Yours sincerely
Dr J Coughlan