14 September 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,
As you are probably aware, for students in Year 11, the school operates an extended day from Monday to Thursday. This proven method of supporting students learning has consistently succeeded in ensuring that target grades are achieved.
Extended days commence next week: Tuesday 20th September 2022
These sessions after school are compulsory for Year 11 students. Sessions are likely to finish between 4:10pm-4:45pm dependent on the aspect of the subject being studied. At times, staff may decide that a study session is not the most efficient use of a student’s time. If this occurs, students will have the opportunity for private study in the school. In the rare event of a study session being cancelled and of any consequent 3.10pm finishes to the day, parents will be advised. It is a student’s responsibility to ensure that their parents are made aware of any situations when they will not be required for study sessions. Study sessions operate on a rota basis and your son/daughter has been issued with a timetable.
It must be emphasised that study sessions are compulsory and all students are expected to attend. Failure to do so will be considered as a serious matter and will be dealt with by senior staff.
Students are not permitted to leave the school site between the end of the school day and study sessions. Refreshments and snacks are available to purchase from the catering outlet in the quad area.
We look forward to working in partnership to support your child’s development and wish them a successful GCSE year. Should you require further information please do not hesitate to contact the school on 0121 444 4161.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Sadler
Head of Year 11