21 July 2022
Dear Parent/Carer,
Thank you for the recent emails of thanks/appreciation. It was a fantastic trip, and all staff and students were magnificent. Thank you also for the queries for potential compensation claim from the airline .
We would encourage all families to make an online claim for compensation directly with British Airways. We feel it is best if this claim is made by each individual family.
The application should take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. You will need the information below to make a claim using the following link:
Customer Service Portal (britishairways.com)
Booking reference for the flight: please choose 'I have a booking reference, but I cannot find it'
Flight Number: BA0286
Passenger details: Name, DOB, Address, email, contact number
Additional Information Explanation:
We were due to depart from San Francisco on Wednesday 13th July. Moments before boarding our flight BA0286 we were informed that our flight was cancelled due to a fault with two aircraft tyres. BA could not source replacement tyres meaning the flight was delayed 25hrs and we eventually departed on Thursday 14th July at approx. 8pm. This has obviously inconvenienced us due to our late arrival back to the UK.
You will also need to provide bank details for payment to be made
If you need any further help with making your application, then please email me b.ebrahim@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
Best regards
B Ebrahim
Trip Lead