16 July 2022

Dear parents/carers,
Following the upgrading to a red extreme heat warning and taking advice from our insurance company, we have made the decision to postpone our planned visit to Drayton Manor on Monday 18th July.
We will reschedule this visit for early September and will advise on the revised date in due course.
This means all students will be in school on Monday 18th July and they should arrive prepared to follow their usual timetabled lessons.
Students will be allowed to wear their school PE kit for the remainder of this academic year.
We would ask that all students bring water to school and water fountains will be accessible to refill bottles before school, after school and during break times.
Students should ensure they use suncream if spending time in direct sunlight.
We would encourage students to use shaded areas of the school during break times.
PE lessons will be adapted on Monday and Tuesday and later on in the week if temperatures remain high.
Classrooms will be kept ventilated to keep temperatures to a minimum.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Coughlan