13 July 2022

Image of Drayton Manor Update

Dear Parent/Carer,

In response to the weather warnings issued for next week we would like to advise of the following for all students going on the trip to Drayton Manor.

  • All students should wear PE kit.  For students that only have leggings and/or tracksuit bottoms blue or black shorts can be worn instead
  • Students should bring plenty of water (not fizzy drinks or energy drinks) and keep regularly hydrated throughout the day
  • Students should bring sun cream and ensure that they replenish regularly throughout the day
  • Students should wear a cap/sun hat, this will help when and if there are queues in direct sun light in the park
  • If students eligible for free school rules would like a packed lunch to take on the trip, please email enquiry@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk with the student's name and form group no later than 2.30pm on Friday 15th July 2022.  

Thank you in advance for your support and co-operation.

Bishop Challoner Catholic College