7 April 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,
Next half term your son/daughter will be sitting their periodic 2 (P2) assessments. These assessments allow us to measure the progress your son/daughter has made since the P1 assessments in December.
The assessment window is Monday 16th May 2022 -Friday 27th May 2022.
Students will be preparing for these assessments in class and will be provided with revision guidance. Could I please ask that you encourage your son/daughter to revise at home on a regular basis over the next few weeks; this will allow them to demonstrate what they know in the assessments and help them build future foundations for revision patterns as they move on to Year 8. This will stand them in good stead for future assessments and public examinations.
Subject staff have provided some areas of guidance and direct links for revision you can view these by clicking here. Using these resources as part of their revision will help them feel well prepared for the forthcoming assessments. Please be aware that P2 assessment results make up part of the assessment process.
If you have any questions about the P2 assessments, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
Yours sincerely,
Mr D Fell
Acting Head of Year 7