25 November 2021

23rd November 2021
Dear Parents / Carers,
A-level Mind-set
During assemblies and form times, we are rolling out a programme to help students further develop a positive mind-set for A-level study. An overview of the mind-set model that we use at Bishop Challoner can be found on page 23 of the handbook. https://bishopchalloner.org.uk/sixth-form/about-us/student-parent-carer-handbook
All resources will be made available to students on the Year 13 Microsoft Teams channel under ‘files’. Please ask your son/daughter to show you this information and take time to discuss the material with them.
Students will be given a paper copy of the booklets that can be completed in college and at home. The purpose of the booklets is to allow students to self-evaluate their approach to A-level study and use the suggested techniques to maximise their success during Key Stage 5. Please look at these booklets with your daughter / son.
Please be reminded that students have been provided with the ‘Independent study support resources’ document which we hope they are finding useful. https://bishopchalloner.org.uk/news/2021-10-22-sixth-form-parent-carer-letter-year-13-independent-study-support
As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Sixth Form team if you have any worries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Mrs Healy
Head of Year 13
0121 441 6144