11 October 2021

11th October 2021
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 13 reporting cycle for academic year 2021/2011
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our planned reporting cycle for the year. This allows you to see how and when we will be reporting on your son’s/daughter’s progress.
Communication 1:
The results of Mock examinations, of content taught in Year 12, will be sent home in the week beginning 11th October 2021. Teachers are closely monitoring students as they settle into their Year 13 studies and parents/carers will be informed of any academic concerns towards the end of October.
Communication 2:
A short report with an updated estimated grade range will be sent home before the end of the autumn term. There will then be an opportunity for you to discuss this report with members of the sixth form team before the Christmas break.
Communication 3:
Year 13 mock examinations are due to take place from 10th to 21st January 2022. The results of these examinations will be sent home before February half term.
In addition teachers complete an internal report before February half term. This will not to be sent home but any concerns or issues identified from the report and/or mock examinations will be followed up by the sixth form team and we may, therefore, contact you then.
Communication 4:
A report with a current estimated grade range and written comments will be sent home towards the end of March 2022. There will then be an opportunity for you to discuss this report with teachers at the parents/carers consultation.
Although this will be the final report you will receive, students will continue to be monitored, assessed and given guidance and support in preparation for their examinations. If you have any concerns or questions after this communication window then please, as always, make contact with us so that we can best advise you and support your son/daughter.
Best wishes,
Mrs Healy
Head of Year 13
0121 441 6144