8 September 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,
Year 13 September mock exams
We are delighted to be welcoming our students as they enter Year 13 to complete their studies. We hope they and their families have had an enjoyable summer and have found some time to rest and recuperate.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents/carers of the September mock exams that students will sit between 20 – 24th September 2021.
Students traditionally complete 2 mock exam papers per subject in the summer term of Year 12 but due to the unavoidable disruption last year students only sat one paper. The September mocks are, in essence, the second paper of the Year 12 mock exam and, as such, will only assess subject content taught during Year 12. We firmly believe that having this mock examination window will have positive effect on focusing students' minds as they begin Y13.
A timetable will be issued shortly and students will complete one mock exam paper per subject, during lesson time and under exam conditions, including any exam access arrangements. It is important that students complete the mock exam at the scheduled time, so that no student is advantaged or disadvantaged in the process.
A short report with a grade and drop-down comment will be sent home before October half term. The mock exam results, along with the June grades will be used in discussion with students and parents about future pathways and inform, but not determine, their UCAS/ apprenticeship predicted grades.
Having experienced such a difficult and disrupted year 12, I must, once again, commend our Year 13 students for their great resilience, attitude and sense of humour despite the adversity. I am really looking forward to working with students this year, hopefully in more ‘usual’ circumstances.
Best wishes,
Mrs Healy
Head of Year 13